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Conveniently located to serve your pets: 103 N. Howard Avenue, Tampa, 33606

Medication Refills

Tampa Veterinary Hospital has a complete licensed in-house veterinary pharmacy with medications, prescription animal products and many other supplies for your pet’s health and safety. If you require a refill of your pet’s medications, please call us at 813-254-3031 and we will begin preparing your refill for pickup.

The cost of our products compares favorably to all major online pharmacies with the advantage that the medications are dispensed by a safe, reliable source without the chance of counterfeits that may be unsafe for your pet. Be sure you are getting the highest quality products from our reputable veterinarians who know your pet the best.

Want to save money? Not only are our medications safe, drug companies often provide veterinary clients with special coupons and rebates when you fill your prescriptions at TVH, benefits valued at up to $70 in cash that are not available in retail stores. It only seems like you’re getting a cheaper price. Consider one of our wellness plans for discounts up to 10% off.
Pet medication refills available in Tampa FL

Commonly Asked Questions Regarding Refills

Does my pet need an exam for a new medication or refill?

As long as we have examined your pet within the last 12 months and you are requesting a routine medication, an exam may not be necessary. If your pet has a new problem or we are concerned about which medication is most appropriate, we may ask you to bring the pet to the hospital or request a house call. Please be aware that there are certain medications like seizure drugs where blood work or other lab tests may be required every six months.

If your pet has not been seen by TVH within the past year, an exam appointment is required before a refill can be legally authorized. Not only is an exam required by Federal and State laws but also it is our medical obligation to assure your pet gets the exact medication needed to treat the problem.

Are there dangers if I order drugs for my pet on-line or buy them at a non-veterinary retail store? I see pet drugs being sold everywhere, even at my local store.

While many online drug retailers adhere to professional standards, you cannot be sure that the drugs you receive are made in America. The U.S. Food & Drug Administration does not approve importing medications from outside the United States but you cannot be sure of the country of origin from online or local retailers who are trying to keep their costs as low as possible. It is also hard to verify that medications are the correct dosage and have not expired.

It’s important for your veterinarian to be aware of all the medications your pet is taking to ensure that the drugs will not interact to cause harmful side effects.

Pet medication refills in Tampa FLFinally, not all heartworm and flea prevention medication contain all the necessary ingredients to protect your pet even though the drug packaging may look the same online or in a pet or retail store. If your pet becomes infected with heartworm disease even though you were giving it medication from an online or retail store, you can be sure they will not pay $1,000-$3,000 dollars to treat your pet.

Can we get refills in advance for medications like heartworm and flea preventatives? Can they be renewed automatically?

In most cases, we are happy to provide you with a three, six or twelve month dose pack. These larger quantities often include discounts, manufacturer rebates or additional doses offered by the manufacturer. Call us to find out if there are any current promotions you may take advantage of.